
Product image 1Chrysocolla
Product image 2Chrysocolla
Product image 3Chrysocolla

Regular price $20.00


Arts · Communication · Teaching

Chrysocolla is a matrix of malachite, azurite, copper, cuprite, quartz and limonite. Great for: healthy and heart-centered communication, self-awareness, authenticity, speaking your truth with grace, strength to be vulnerable, listening skills, storytelling, creative writing, music and musicians, songwriting, singing, chanting and working with sacred sound, for performance, acting and actors, painting and painters, crafts, for designers, teachers (also known as the Teaching Stone), for compassion, enhancing human connection and bonds, tapping into personal power and cooling heated emotions, connecting with the divine feminine and goddess energy, for wise women and tapping into the sacred crone archetype, for cleansing the aura, forgiveness, serenity and peace, mental clarity, prosperity and success in business, for nesting, for hermits and homebodies and those who have trouble settling, for releasing guilt. Purported Physical Healing & Mental Health Properties: may aid depression and anxiety, disorders of the nervous system, womens’ health, pregnancy and menstrual cycles, thyroid and adrenals, throat and larynx, blood health and circulation, blood pressure, blood sugar and diabetes, lungs, digestive system, joint health, arthritis, rheumatism, muscle strength, inflammation, burns, fevers, scar tissue.

For our guide (free) on How To Work With Crystals, click HERE.

All crystal batches are limited edition due to varying nature of stock. Each crystal has a natural variation in color, shape and opacity. Price is per piece.

DISCLAIMER: The properties listed here are energetic and metaphysical. We’ve included some physical ailments and mental health conditions that some crystals are rumored to be helpful for. We are not making any claims about the healing effects of any of our crystals, and we are not able to guarantee any results when working with crystals. Information compiled here must NOT be taken as medical advice, or substituted for it in any way. If you have a physical ailment or mental health concern, definitely consult your doctor and/or a mental health professional.

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