Baltic Amber - Very Limited Stock!

Product image 1Baltic Amber - Very Limited Stock!
Product image 2Baltic Amber - Very Limited Stock!
Product image 3Baltic Amber - Very Limited Stock!
Product image 4Baltic Amber - Very Limited Stock!
Product image 5Baltic Amber - Very Limited Stock!
Product image 6Baltic Amber - Very Limited Stock!

Regular price $66.00

Very limited stock! Our selection of Baltic Amber. Each piece is 1-of-a-kind, and formed over 45 million years ago.



Amber is not a crystal, but rather fossilized tree resin. GREAT FOR: warmth, brightening, energy, vitality and healing, connecting with solar energy, happiness, playfulness and spontaneity, inner balance, inner strength and inner power, inner peace, for imparting confidence and self-respect that aids creativity, decision-making and self-expression, for intellectual stimulation, for the drawing out of negative energy and toxicity, energetic protection from psychic vampirism, for safeguarding and protection of children, for sexual potency, libido and sexual healing, for flexibility, compassion, wisdom and patience, for success and magnetism, strong relationships, connecting with ancestors and ancestral healing, for the elderly, the fragile, the sick and anyone in need of energy and longevity.

BALTIC AMBER is said to calm, warm, balance and uplift the energy in the body, mind and spirit, enhancing strength, vitality and joy. It corresponds metaphysically to the lower chakras, especially the Sacral & Solar Plexus, and can be a beautiful aid in balancing, healing and restoring these energy centers. Amber is a fine absorber and dispeller of negativity. Be sure to cleanse it from time to time!

PURPORTED PHYSICAL HEALING & MENTAL HEALTH PROPERTIES: may draw disease from the body aiding physical healing and physical pain (especially dental pain), reduce stress, may aid nervous system function and hemispheric balance of the brain, addiction, depression and anxiety, chronic fatigue, weakness after illness, strengthen mucous membranes, thyroid and throat health, goiters, stomach and gastrointestinal health (digestion), spleen, kidney, gallbladder and liver health and associated detoxification, joint health.

CHAKRAS: Sacral (2nd) and Throat (5th).

For our guide (free) on How To Work With Crystals, click HERE.

All crystal batches are limited edition due to varying nature of stock. Each crystal has a natural variation in color, shape and opacity. Price is per piece.

DISCLAIMER: The properties listed here are energetic and metaphysical. We’ve included some physical ailments and mental health conditions that some crystals are rumored to be helpful for. We are not making any claims about the healing effects of any of our crystals, and we are not able to guarantee any results when working with crystals. Information compiled here must NOT be taken as medical advice, or substituted for it in any way. If you have a physical ailment or mental health concern, definitely consult your doctor and/or a mental health professional.

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